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Nathan Jay

Nathan Jay spent many years building a solid reputation with ravers on the house scene in London holding residencies at many of the capitals top events and gracing the turntables at many of London’s most exclusive venues MINISTRY OF SOUND, PACHA, TURNMILLS and SE1 CLUB to name a few. Nathan kept himself at the forefront of his audience having weekly shows over a decade on some of London's leading House music stations including Shine FM, Upfront, Vision FM and Select. In 2005 Nathan stared his own event called Club Sweetness with the first event being held at The Worship Club in London and having over 600 party people in attendence. The event slowly grew and in 2007 Club Sweetness was lucky enough to host the Baby box at MINISTRY OF SOUND for Release Yourself. Nathan sadly decided to step out of the limelight in 2008 and take sometime away from the club scene to spend time with his then very young family but after 15 years away, Nathan recently rediscovered his love for the decks and also a new passion for music production… after RETURNING to the decks Nathan can once again be found on the airways with a bi-weekly show on HOUSE MUSIC RADIO Tuesdays 6pm-8pm gmt. During 2021 Nathans productions have found great success with releases on Trademark Trax, Boomtic Records and the mighty Cleveland City to name a few with plenty more releases to come the future looks bright once again….

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